Web Restore
Updated over a week ago

Below is our guide for using our user web console which you can log into from here:

Backup Intelligence does not restore straight from the web interface right. It will send a command to the client of the machine you choose to restore to and complete from there, so your client must be connected and online and not be blocked by any firewalls.

Sign in using the username and password you use for the Backup Intelligence client.


Once signed in you will first see your accounts overview.

You can perform a restore by clicking on the devices dropdown located at the top beside the Backup Intelligence logo.


A window will pop up asking which device you want to restore to and which storage vault. Then select Next


After a moment, the next window will ask you which Protected Item you want to restore. You can click the + to the left of each Protected Item to see a dropdown of each version of this Protected Item and the date each was backed up, allowing you to choose a version from the past if necessary. Once you’ve chosen your Protected Item, click Next.


Now you can choose if you want to restore all files for this Protected Item, or only specific files from your file and folder hierarchy, which will show if you click Select Items. Once you’ve chosen your files, click Next.


Finally, you now need to choose where on your computer you want your restored files to be saved. Enter a location on your device. Once you’re happy, click Restore to begin retrieving your files.

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